We help classify and analyze products for import compliance before shipping to Mexico, avoiding customs issues.
Tariff classification
Door-to-door operation costing
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We help classify and analyze products for import compliance before shipping to Mexico, avoiding customs issues.
Tariff classification
Door-to-door operation costing
The tariff code of 8 digits or more assigned abroad cannot be used for imports into Mexico. Although the supplier's tariff classification can be considered as a reference, it's important to always assign the tariff code and NICO based on Mexico's Tariff to ensure proper customs compliance for your operations.
Our experts in Customs Law and International Trade ensure legal and customs compliance for your business plan.
Existing Mexbuy clients can apply for logistics cost financing to grow their business without obstacles.
We assist in identifying and managing non-tax restrictions such as NOM labeling, safety certifications, and import permits to facilitate compliance and avoid delays.
Some NOMs allow for non-compliance upon importation, as long as these NOMs are met before the products are commercialized. To achieve this, a UVA is required to certify and confirm that the products comply with such NOMs before they are commercialized.
The product must undergo laboratory testing and a certification process by an authorized body in Mexico. This process can take from 20 to 45 business days depending on the applicable NOM. However, at Mexbuy, we ensure to coordinate the process as quickly as possible and compare quotes from various laboratories to find the best price and response times.
A NOM, or Official Mexican Standard, is an instrument through which the Mexican Government seeks to regulate products to ensure they meet minimum standards of safety or information. At Mexbuy, we have partnerships with certification bodies and verification units in Mexico to manage compliance with safety and labeling NOMs effectively.